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최고운 교수 이미지
최고운 교수
  • 전공
  • 연락처 043-230-3537
  • 이메일 kounchoi@knue.ac.kr


  • 한국교원대학교 , 학사 (대한민국)
  • University of Cambridge , MPhil (영국)
  • University of Cambridge , PhD (영국)


  • : 영어 이데올로기와 언어신념 (Language ideologies and beliefs); 탈식민주의적 영어교육 (Decolonising English in language education); 영어교육을 통한 세계시민교육 (Intercultural citizenship education); 영어 다양성과 영어교육 (Global Englishes for language teaching); 초등영어교사 및 학습자 정체성 (Language teacher and learner identities)


  • Choi & Liu (2020) Challenges and strategies for English as a lingua franca (ELF) aware teacher development (ELT Journal)
  • Choi, Liyanage & Prado (2024) Chinese university English teachers’ perceptions and practices of critical thinking: Challenging discourses of deficit (Thinking Skills and Creativity)
  • Choi (accepted) Fostering global citizenship in EFL students through telecollaboration (ELT Journal)
  • Choi (2023) Analyzing pedagogic strategies to incorporate Global Englishes into the teaching of young EFL learners (Studies in English Education)
  • Choi (2023) Conceptualising the multifaceted impacts of a Global Englishes-oriented teacher development programme (System)
  • 조보경, 최고운, 전영주 (2022) 온라인 교수학습에 대한 영어교사 인식 분석 (융합영어영문학)
  • Choi (2023) Strategically adopting or resisting monolingual perspectives : Chinese pre-service EFL teachers’ agentic negotiation of ideologies of the English language (영어영문학연구)
  • Choi (2024, book chapter) Linguistic and cultural diversity of international lecturers as pedagogic resources in the EMI higher education (Springer)