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김지혜 교수
  • 전공
  • 연락처 043-230-3553
  • 이메일 jkim@knue.ac.kr


  • 2022.10.01 ~ 현재 : 한국교원대학교 영어교육과 , 교수
  • 2017.10.01 ~ 2022.09.30 : 한국교원대학교 영어교육과 , 부교수
  • 2016.09. ~ 2017.10.31 : 한국교원대학교 영어교육과 , 조교수
  • 2010.09. ~ 2016.08. : 숭실대학교 베어드학부(교양)대학 , 조교수
  • 2010.08. ~ 2016.06. : 성균관대학교 TESOL대학원 , 초빙교수
  • 2010.06. ~ 2016.00. : 중국연변과학기술대학교 , 겸임교수
  • 2010.03. ~ 2010.06. : 한양대학교 , 강사
  • 2009.09. ~ 2014.08. : 열린사이버대학교 , 외래교수
  • 2009.09. ~ 2009.12. : 이화여자대학교 통번역대학원 , 강사
  • 2008.09. ~ 2010.08. : 한국외국어대학교 , 강사
  • 2008.08. ~ 2010.08. : 성균관대학교 정보관리연구소 , 선임연구원
  • 2003.08.20 ~ 2007.06.30 : UIUC(일리노이주립대학) , Teaching Assistant (Psycholinguistics)


  • 2007.12. : Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Ph D (미국)
  • 2002.06. : Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , M.A. (미국)
  • 1998.02.20 : 성균관대학교 , 학사 (BA) (한국)


  • Applied Linguistics: : Bilingualism, Heritage Language Acquisition, L1 & L2 Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, etc.
  • Theoretical Linguistics: : Experimental syntax on Korean Binding Theory, Subjecthood, Multiple Subject Constructions (MSCs)


  • 2023.01.30 : Long-Distance Binding and Logophoricity in Korean Anaphors: A Corpus-based Study (언어학연구 66)
  • 2023.01.05 : Honorific agreement and plural copying revisited: Experimental and deep learning approach (Linguistic Research 39(3) (SCOPUS))
  • 2022.03.31 : 관계절 부착 선호와 중의성 인식에 나타난 한국인 EFL 학습자들의 영어 중의적 관계절 해석 양상 (언어학 30(1))
  • 2022.03.31 : 코퍼스 분석을 통한 한국어 재귀사의 통사적 결속 양상 연구 (현대문법연구 113)
  • 2021.07.30 : Binding Interpretations of Korean EFL Learners: Focusing on SSC-violating English Reflexives (언어학연구 60)
  • 2021.04.30 : 그림기반 진리값 판정과제에 나타난 한국인 EFL 학습자의 영어 재귀사 해석양상 (교원교육 37(2))
  • 2020.12.30 : Binding Conditions of English Reflexives and Pronouns in the ICE-USA (Language Research 56(3))
  • 2020.04.30 : A Multifactorial Analysis of Binding Conditions in British English Using ICE-GB Corpus (언어학연구 55)
  • 2020.04.30 : 한국인 학습자 코퍼스와 원어민 코퍼스에 나타나는 if-조건문의 사용양상 비교 (영어학연구 26(1))
  • 2020.01.31 : 한국인 영어학습자의 영어 여격 구문 사용 양상과 오류에 관한 연구 (교원교육 36(1))
  • 2019.11.30 : Analyzing Subjecthood Tests in Korean Using a Cross-Validation (언어연구 (35-3))
  • 2019.09.12 : Re-examining Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Properties of LongDistance Bound Caki-casin in Korean: An Experimental Study (33th Pacific Asia Conference in Language, Information and Computation)
  • 2019.08.30 : 영어의 여격 교체 현상에 대한 한국인 학습자들의 이해 양상: 대상자 중심 여격 구문 기반 실험연구 (현대영어교육 20(3))
  • 2019.06.30 : 한국인 학습자들의 영어 재귀대명사 해석 양상: 통사적 결속 조건과 화용적 결속 조건을 중심으로 (영어학 19(2))
  • 2018.12.01 : A-Scrambling and Subjecthood in Korean: An Experimental Approach (32th Pacific Asia Conference in Language, Information and Computation)
  • 2018.09.30 : ICE-GB 코퍼스에 나타난 재귀사와 대명사의 결속조건 연구 (현대문법연구 99)
  • 2018.08.30 : Factors Influencing Subjecthood in Korean (언어연구 (34-2))
  • 2017.11. : Subjecthood and Grammatical Relations in Korean: An Experimental Study with Hono (PacificAsiaConLanguage,Information&Computation)
  • 2017.03. : Honorific Agreement and Plural Copying as Korean Subjecthood Diagnostics: An Exp (현대문법연구 (93호))
  • 2017.02. : Statistical Analyses of Interpretive Properties of Korean Multiple Subject Const (언어연구 (32권4호))
  • 2016.10. : An Experimental Study of Subject Properties in Korean Multiple Subject Construct (PacificAsiaC on Language, Information,Computation )
  • 2015.10. : Two Types of Multiple Subject Constructions (MSCs) in Korean (PacificAsiaC on Language, Information,Computation )
  • 2015.08. : An experimental study on interpretive properties of multiple nominative/subject (Linguistic Research 32(2) (SCOPUS))
  • 2015.08. : Reflexive binding and Adjunct Control as Subject Diagnostics in Korean: An Exper (언어연구 31(2))
  • 2015.06. : Obligatory Control and Coordinated Deletion as Korean Subject Diagnostics: An Ex (언어와정보 19(1))
  • 2015.00. : An Experimental Syntactic Study of Binding Domain and VP-Ellipsis in Korean (현대문법연구 8)
  • 2013.00. : Testing the Interface Vulnerability Hypothesis with Korean Heritage Speakers (응용언어학 29(2))
  • 2013.00. : Demarcating Local vs. Long-Distance Binding: Re-examining Tensed S Condition (TS (언어학연구 27)
  • 2013.00. : TSC (Tensed S Condition) and Korean Anaphors: An Experimental Study of Binding D (Japanese/Korean Linguistics XXII, CSLI: Stanford)
  • 2011.00. : Genericity Distinctions and the Interpretation of Determiners in L2 acquisition (Language Acquisition 18(4), Psychology Press (A&HCI/SSCI))
  • 2011.00. : Understanding Korean Exempt Binding by Korean Heritage Speakers in China (응용언어학 27(2))
  • 2011.00. : An Experimental Syntactic Study of Korean Anaphor Binding: A case study of caki (언어와정보 15(1))
  • 2010.00. : Binding Interpretations of Korean Core Reflexives by Korean Heritage Speakers in (응용언어학 25(3))
  • 2010.00. : Dominant Language Influence in Acquisition and Attrition of Binding: Interpretat (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13(1) (A&HCI/SSCI))
  • 2010.00. : Interpretations of Korean Reflexive Binding by Late L2 learners of Korean with E (언어와 정보 14(1))
  • 2009.12. : An experimental syntactic study of binding: A case study of Korean long-distance (PacificAsiaC on Language, Information,Computation )
  • 2009.00. : Binding Interpretations of Anaphors by Korean Heritage Speakers (Language Acquisition 16, Psychology Press (A&HCI/SSCI))
  • 2009.00. : Long-Distance Bound Local Anaphors in Korean - An experimental study of the Kore (Lingua 119, Elsevier (A&HCI/SSCI))
  • 2009.00. : The Exempt Binding of Local Anaphors: An Empirical Study of the Korean Local Ana (Japanese/Korean Linguistics XVI, CSLI: Stanford)
  • 2008.00. : An Experimental Syntactic Study of Binding of Multiple Anaphors in Korean (International Journal of Cognitive Science 9 (1))
  • 2008.00. : When a Local Anaphor Is Not Locally Bound: Understanding Korean Exempt Binding w (Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XII)
  • 2006.00. : On the Logophoric Long-Distance Binding Interpretation of the Korean Local Anaph (Boston Univ Conference on Language Development)
  • 2006.00. : An Empirical Study of Long-Distance Binding of the anaphor Caki-casin in Korean (Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XI)
  • 2005.00. : Binding Interpretations by Korean Heritage Speakers and Adult L2 Learners of Kor (Boston Univ Conference on Language Development)
  • 2004.00. : Binding Interpretations in Korean Heritage Speakers (Boston Univ Conference on Language Development)
  • 2003.00. : Second Language Influence on First Language Attrition: Interpretation of Korean (The Harvard ISOKL-2003)