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교육대학원 물리교육전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 431-504 물리교재연구및개발(Research & Development of Physics Teaching Learning Materials) 3-3-0 비어있음
431-510 물리교육연구동향(Current Studies in Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-513 물리교육과정연구(Studies of Physics Curriculum) 3-3-0
431-514 물리교수연구(Studies in Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-515 물리교육측정및평가 (Measurement & Evaluation of Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-516 물리교육국제비교연구 (International Comparative Study on Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-517 물리실험지도연구 (Studies of Teaching for Experiments in Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-518 물리교육세미나(Seminar in Physics Education ) 3-3-0
431-519 물리교육연구방법(Research Methods in Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-520 물리논술지도(Physics Writing Education) 3-3-0
교과내용학 431-601 현대물리학 연구(Topics in Modern Physics) 3-3-0 비어있음
431-627 고전역학 탐구(Studies in Classical Mechanics) 3-3-0
431-628 고전전자기학 탐구(Studies in Classical Electromagnetism) 3-3-0
431-629 양자역학 탐구 (Studies in Quantum Mechanics) 3-3-0
431-630 고급수리물리학교육 (Advanced Mathematical Physics Education) 3-3-0
431-631 입자 및 핵물리학연구(Studies in Particle & Nuclear Physics) 3-3-0
431-632 고에너지 물리학연구(Studies in High-Energy Physics) 3-3-0
431-634 고급통계물리학 연구(Studies in Advanced Statistical Physics) 3-3-0
431-635 광학특론탐구(Inquiry in Topics in Optics) 3-3-0
431-647 현대물리실험탐구(Inquiry in Experiment in Modern Physics) 3-1-2
431-648 고급물리실험탐구(Inquiry in Experiment in Advanced Physics) 3-1-2
431-649 물리실험탐구교육(Inquiry Education in Physics Experiment) 3-1-2
431-639 물리학 연구동향(Current Topics in Physics) 3-3-0
431-640 물리학 세미나(Seminar in Physics) 3-3-0
431-641 현대물리 세미나(Seminar in Modern Physics) 3-3-0
431-642 생활물리학탐구(Inquiry in Practical Physics) 3-3-0
431-643 고급전산물리탐구(Inquiry in Advanced Computational Physics) 3-3-0
431-644 자성체 물리학(Physics of Magnetic Materials) 3-3-0
431-645 고급고체물리학연구 I(Studies in Advanced Solid-State Physics I) 3-3-0
431-646 고급고체물리학연구 II(Studies in Advanced Solid-State Physics II) 3-3-0
431-650 반도체소자물리(Semiconductor Device Physics) 3-3-0
431-651 반도체소자공정기본(Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device Fabrication) 3-3-0
연구 431-811 개인연구Ⅰ(Independent Study I) 1-1-0 비어있음
431-812 개인연구Ⅱ(Independent Study Ⅱ) 1-1-0
431-813 개인연구Ⅲ(Independent Study Ⅲ) 1-1-0