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특수교육전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공 영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 118-501 특수교육학연구 (Study on Theory of Special Education) 3-3-0
118-502 통합교육세미나 (Seminar on Inclusive Education) 3-3-0
118-503 특수교육사철학연구 (Study on History and Philosophy of Special Education) 3-3-0
118-504 특수아심리연구 (Study on Psychology of Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-505 특수교육사회학연구 (Study on Sociology in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-506 특수아진단·평가세미나 (Seminar on Assessment for Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-507 특수교육교육과정세미나 (Seminar on Curriculum inSpecial Education) 3-3-0
118-508 특수아교수방법세미나 (Seminar on Instructional Method for Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-509 특수교육평가연구 (Study on Educational Evaluation in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-510 특수교육행정연구 (Study on Administration of Special Education) 3-3-0
118-511 특수교육공학연구 (Study on Educational Technology in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-512 특수교육정책세미나 (Seminar on Policy of Special Education) 3-3-0
118-513 특수교육경영세미나 (Seminar on Management of Special Education) 3-3-0
118-514 특수교육교과교육세미나 (Seminar on Subject-Matter Education in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-515 특수아행동지원연구 (Study on Support for Behaviors of Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-516 특수아진로·전환연구 (Study on Career & Transition of Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-517 특수아가족지원연구 (Study on Support for Families of Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-518 특수아상담연구 (Study on Counseling for Children with Special Needs) 3-3-0
118-519 특수평생교육세미나 (Seminar on Lifelong Education for Individuals with Disabilities) 3-3-0
118-520 특수교육연구방법 (Research Methods in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-521 시각장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Visual Impairments) 3-3-0
118-522 보행훈련연구 (Study on Mobility and Orientation Training) 3-3-0
118-523 청각장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Hearing Impairments) 3-3-0
118-524 청각학연구 (Study on Audiology) 3-3-0
118-525 지적장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities) 3-3-0
118-526 지적장애아학습과인지연구 (Study on Learning and Cognition in the Children with Intellectual Disabilities) 3-3-0
118-527 지체장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Physical Impairments) 3-3-0
118-528 보완·대체의사소통연구 (Study on Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 3-3-0
118-529 정서·행동장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Emotional/Behavioral Disorders) 3-3-0
118-530 정서·행동문제연구 (Study on Problems of Emotion and Behavior) 3-3-0
118-531 자폐성장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Autistic Children) 3-3-0
118-532 의사소통장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Communication Impairments) 3-3-0
118-533 말·언어장애연구 (Study on Speech and Language Disorders) 3-3-0
118-534 학습장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Learning Disabilities) 3-3-0
118-535 읽기·쓰기중재연구 (Study on Reading and Writing Intervention) 3-3-0
118-536 건강장애아교육연구 (Study on Education for Children with Health Disabilities) 3-3-0
118-537 특수영재아교육연구 (Study on Education for Special Populations of Gifted Students) 3-3-0
118-538 유아특수교육연구 (Study on the Early Childhood Special Education) 3-3-0
118-539 자폐성장애아교육세미나 (Seminar on Education for individuals with autism) 3-3-0
118-541 특수교육문헌연구방법 (Literature Review in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-542 단일대상연구방법 (Single-Subject Research Design) 3-3-0
118-543 특수교육증거기반실제 (Evidence-Based Practices in Special Education) 3-3-0
118-544 특수교육교육과정연구 (Study on Curriculum in Special Education) 3-3-0
연구 118-821 논문연구세미나Ⅲ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅢ) 1-1-0
118-822 논문연구세미나Ⅳ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅣ) 1-1-0
118-823 논문연구세미나Ⅴ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
118-824 논문연구세미나Ⅵ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅥ) 1-1-0
118-811 개인연구I (Independent Study I) 1-1-0
118-812 개인연구II (Independent Study II) 1-1-0
118-813 개인연구III (Independent Study III) 1-1-0
118-814 개인연구IV (Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
118-815 개인연구V (Independent Study V) 1-1-0
118-816 개인연구VI (Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
118-817 개인연구VII (Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
118-818 개인연구VIII (Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
118-819 개인연구IX (Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
118-820 개인연구X (Independent Study X) 3-3-0