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일반대학원 기술교육학과 공통 교육과정 안내 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 450-502 기술과논술(Sound Reasoning of Technology and Education) 3-3-0 비어있음
450-519 창의발명교육론(Creative Invention Education) 3-3-0
450-520 에너지교육론(Energy Education) 3-3-0
450-522 공업·기술교육연구방법론 (Research in Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-523 공업·기술교육론 (Foundation of Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-524 공업·기술교육사 (History of Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-525 공업·기술교육시설론 (Facilities of Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-526 공업·기술교육세미나 (Seminar in Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-527 공업·기술교육연구동향 (Trends of Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-528 기술과표준교육(Standard in Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-529 진로와 전문교육론(Career & Technical Education) 3-3-0
450-531 APA 양식기술교육논문쓰기 (Writing APA style in Technology Education) 3-3-0
450-532 공업·기술교육의 수업설계와 방법 (Instructional Design & Methods for Industrial and Technology Education) 3-3-0
교과내용학 450-601 조경및실내원예 (Landcape Architecture and inner Horticulture) 3-3-0 비어있음
450-602 인구와식량특론(Special Topics in Population & Foods) 3-3-0
450-612 자동화기술(Automation Technology) 3-3-0
450-613 주택설계론(House Design Drawing) 3-3-0
450-615 농업생명기술특론(Agricultural Biotechnology) 3-3-0
450-625 전기전자기술(Electrical and Electronic Technology) 3-3-0
450-630 기술과사회(Technology and Society) 3-3-0
450-631 정보통신기술(Information and Communication Technology) 3-3-0
450-633 동력특론(Special Topic on Power Technology) 3-3-0
450-634 현대기술론(Modern Technology) 3-3-0
450-635 제조기술의이해 (Under standing of Manufacturing Technology) 3-3-0
450-636 기계설계특론(Advanced Machine Design) 3-3-0
450-637 제품설계와 제작(Product Design and Manufacturing) 3-3-0
450-639 피지컬컴퓨팅(Physical Computing) 3-3-0
450-640 건축사(History of Architecture) 3-3-0
450-641 건축기술(Architecture Technology) 3-3-0
450-642 토목기술(Civil Technology) 3-3-0
450-643 공학기술과 적용 (Engineering Technology and its Application) 3-3-0
450-644 수송장치설계(Vehicle Design) 3-3-0
450-645 전기자동차기술(Electronic Vehicle Technology) 3-3-0
450-646 인공지능의 이해(Understanding of Artificial Intelligence) 3-3-0
450-647 발명과특허(Invention and Patent) 3-3-0
450-648 융합 STEAM 교육(Convergence STEAM Education) 3-3-0
450-649 SPSS 교육통계(SPSS Educational Statistics) 3-2-1
연구 450-803 논문연구세미나Ⅲ(Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅢ) 1-1-0 비어있음
450-804 논문연구세미나Ⅳ(Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅣ ) 1-1-0
450-805 논문연구세미나Ⅴ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
일반대학원 기술교육전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 451-503 기술교과교육과정연구 (Research of Technology Education Curriculum) 3-3-0 비어있음
451-505 기술교과교재연구 (Instruction Materials for Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-514 기술교육세미나(Seminar in Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-516 기술교육철학(Philosophy of Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-517 제조기술교육론(Education of Manufacturing Technology) 3-3-0
451-518 건설기술교육론(Education of Construction Technology) 3-3-0
451-519 수송기술교육론(Transportation Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-520 통신기술교육론(Communication in Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-521 생명기술교육론(Bio-technology Education) 3-3-0
451-522 기술과 통합교육(Technology and Integrative Education) 3-3-0
451-523 기술교과 수업설계와 방법 (Instructional Design and Methods for Technology Education) 3-3-0
451-524 기술교육과 수행 총평 (Assessment for Technology Education) 3-3-0
교과내용학 451-607 농업기술특론(Special Topics in Agriculture Technology) 3-3-0 비어있음
451-618 제조기술특론(Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 3-3-0
451-619 수송기술특론(Advanced Transportation Technology) 3-3-0
451-620 반도체공학(Semiconductor Engineering) 3-3-0
451-623 화학공업특론(Special Topics in Chemical Industry) 3-3-0
451-627 열유체공학특론(Thermo-fluid Engineering) 3-3-0
451-628 용접이론특론(Special Topics on Welding Theory) 3-3-0
451-629 고분자공업(Advanced Polymeric Engineering) 3-3-0
451-630 생산관리특론(Special Topics on Production Management) 3-3-0
451-633 컴퓨터와CAD(Computer and CAD) 3-3-0
451-636 전기응용기술(Electrical Application Technology) 3-3-0
451-637 화훼및조경학(Horticulture and Landscape) 3-3-0
451-639 기술과세미나(Seminar on Technology) 3-3-0
451-654 전자통신기술(Electronic Communication Technology) 3-3-0
451-656 정보시스템기술(Information System Technology) 3-3-0
451-657 에코건설기술특론 (Special Topics on Ecological Construction) 3-3-0
451-658 정보통신응용기술 (Information and Communication Application Technology) 3-3-0
451-659 이동통신기술(Mobile Communication Technology) 3-3-0
연구 451-811 개인연구I(Independent Study I) 1-1-0 비어있음
451-812 개인연구II(Independent Study II) 1-1-0
451-813 개인연구III(Independent Study III) 1-1-0
451-814 개인연구IV(Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
451-815 개인연구V(Independent Study V) 1-1-0
451-816 개인연구VI(Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
451-817 개인연구VII(Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
451-818 개인연구VIII(Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
451-819 개인연구IX(Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
451-820 개인연구X(Independent Study X) 3-3-0
일반대학원 공업교육전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 453-501 공업교육사(History of Industrial Education) 3-3-0 비어있음
453-502 공업교육시설론(Facility for Industrial Education) 3-3-0
453-503 공업교육과정연구 (Research of Industrial Education Curriculum) 3-3-0
453-505 공업교육교재론 (Instructional Materials in Industrial Education) 3-3-0
453-506 공업교육세미나(Seminar on Industrial Education) 3-3-0
453-521 공업교육론(Foundations of Technical Education) 3-3-0
453-522 공업교육연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Technical Education) 3-3-0
453-523 화공섬유교육론(Chemistry Textile Education) 3-3-0
453-524 기계.금속교육론(Education of Machine and metals) 3-3-0
453-525 건설교육론(Education of Construction) 3-3-0
453-526 전기전자통신교육론(Electricity Electronics Communication) 3-3-0
453-527 공업교육의 수업설계와 방법 (Instructional Design & Methods for Industrial Education) 3-3-0
453-528 공업교육과 수행 총평(Assessment for Industrial Education) 3-3-0
교과내용학 453-601 기계공학특론(Topics on Mechanical Engineering) 3-3-0 비어있음
453-602 첨단현대산업(Extreme Current Industry) 3-3-0
453-603 기계요소설계(Design of Machine Elements) 3-3-0
453-604 공작기계특론(Topic on Machine Tool) 3-3-0
453-605 열전달연구(Studies of Heat Transfer) 3-3-0
453-606 열유체공학탐구(Research of Thermo-Fluid Engineering) 3-3-0
453-607 고급내연기관개발동향 (Trend of Advanced Internal Combustion Engine) 3-3-0
453-609 전기일반교재분석론 (Material Analysis of General Electricity) 3-3-0
453-610 전기공학실험(Experiment of Electrical Engineering) 3-3-0
453-612 구조공학탐구(Research and Analyse on Contruction) 3-3-0
453-613 지역개발연구(Study of Regional Development) 3-3-0
453-614 주택설계분석(Analyse of House Design) 3-3-0
453-617 컴퓨터기술특론(Special topics on Computer technology) 3-3-0
453-619 자동화공학특론(Topics on Automation Engineering) 3-3-0
453-620 생명관련기술론(Bio-related Technology) 3-3-0
453-621 정보통신공학특론 (Topics In Information and Communication Engineering) 3-3-0
453-622 컴퓨터시스템(Computer Systems) 3-3-0
453-634 NCS교육과직무분석(NCS Education and Job Analysis) 3-3-0
연구 453-811 개인연구I(Independent Study I) 1-1-0 비어있음
453-812 개인연구II(Independent Study II) 1-1-0
453-813 개인연구III(Independent Study III) 1-1-0
453-814 개인연구IV(Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
453-815 개인연구V(Independent Study V) 1-1-0
453-816 개인연구VI(Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
453-817 개인연구VII(Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
453-818 개인연구VIII(Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
453-819 개인연구IX(Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
453-820 개인연구X(Independent Study X) 3-3-0