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유아교육전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공 영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 121-501 유아교육과정연구 (Study on Curriculum of Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-502 발달심리학특강 (Seminar in Developmental Psychology) 3-3-0
121-503 유아교육철학연구 (Study on Philosophy of Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-504 유아교육사회학연구 (Study on Sociology of Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-505 비교유아교육세미나 (Seminar in Comparative Early Child hood Education) 3-3-0
121-506 한국유아교육연구세미나 (Seminar in Early Childhood Education in Korea) 3-3-0
121-507 부모참여및교육세미나 (Seminar in Parent Involvement and Education) 3-3-0
121-509 유아정서및사회교육연구 (Study on Social Emotional Education in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-512 유아교육측정및평가연구 (Study on Measurement and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-513 유아교육기관경영론 (Management of Institute for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-514 유아교사론 (Study on Teachers for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-515 유아상담세미나 (Seminar in Children Counseling) 3-3-0
121-516 유아교육교수접근론 (Teaching Approaches to Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-517 특수아교육연구 (Study on Education of Exceptional Children) 3-3-0
121-518 유아교육공학 (Educational Technology for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-519 기초유아교육연구방법론 (Research Methods in Early Children Education) 3-3-0
121-520 아동발달연구 (Study on Psychological Development of Young Children) 3-3-0
121-521 한국유아교육과정모형연구 (Study on Korean Curriculum Models in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-522 영·유아교육프로그램연구 (Study on Educational Programs in Infant and Toddlerhood Education) 3-3-0
121-523 유아교육프로그램연구 (Study on Educational Programs in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-524 유아심리측정연습 (Psychological Test for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-525 피아제의이론과구성주의 (Piaget and Constructivism in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-526 유아언어발달연구 (Study on Young Children's Language Development) 3-3-0
121-528 현대유아교육사조연구 (Study of Contemporary Theory and Trends in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-529 한국전통사회의아동교육 (Childhood Education of Traditional Society in Korea) 3-3-0
121-531 영·유아뇌발달연구 (Brain Research to the Early Childhood Classroom) 3-3-0
121-534 유아발달지원프로그램연구 (Study on Child Development Program) 3-3-0
121-536 몬테소리연구 (Study of Montessori) 3-3-0
121-537 아동복지의이론과실제세미나 (Seminar on Theory & Practice of Child Welfare) 3-3-0
121-538 유아교육정책세미나 (Seminar on Early Childhood Education System & Policy) 3-3-0
121-539 유아내러티브연구 (Study on Narratives of Young Children) 3-3-0
121-540 유아언어교육연구 (Study on Language Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-541 유아문학연구 (Study on Literature Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-544 유아생활지도연구 (Study on Guidance on Young Children) 3-3-0
121-545 발달상담사례연구 (Case Study's on Guidance and Counseling) 3-3-0
121-546 발달의문화간비교(Case Study's on Guidance and Counseling) 3-3-0
121-547 통합교육과정연구 (Study on Integrated Curriculum in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-548 유초교육과정연계세미나 (Seminar on Educational Continuity between the Kindergarten and Elementary School Curriculum) 3-3-0
121-550 유아사회교육프로그램연구 (Research & Development on Programs of Social Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-551 한국전통문화의현대교육적용세미나 (Seminar in the Application of Traditional Korea Culture for Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-552 유아교육실습의이론과실제 (Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Student Teaching) 3-3-0
121-553 유아교육기관의조직문화와지도성 (Exploring Leadership and School Culture in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-554 세계유아교육정책비교연구 (Seminar on Comparative Early Childhood Educational System) 3-3-0
121-555 유아그림책탐구 (Study on Picture Book of Young Children) 3-3-0
121-556 균형적문해접근연구 (Study on Balance Language Approach) 3-3-0
121-557 유아내러티브와교수학습 (Study on Narrative and Teaching & Learning for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-558 유아영재교육세미나 (Seminar in Education for the Gifted Children) 3-3-0
121-559 유아멀티미디어교육방법론 (Multimedia in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-560 연구자료분석방법론 (Research Data Analysis) 3-3-0
121-562 유아다문화교육과정연구 (Study of multicultural curriculum for young children) 3-3-0
121-563 유치원수업분석및연구 (Observation Skills for Effective Teaching) 3-3-0
121-566 유아인권교육프로그램연구 (Study of Human Rights Education Program for Young children) 3-3-0
121-567 지속가능발전지향 유아환경교육 (Early Childhood Environmental Education for Sustainable Development) 3-3-0
121-568 공존교육프로그램연구 (A Study on the Coexistence Education Program ) 3-3-0
121-569 유아질적연구방법론 (Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education ) 3-3-0
121-570 유아교육양적연구방법세미나Ⅰ (Early Childhood Education Quantitative Research SeminarⅠ) 3-3-0 
121-571 유아교육양적연구방법세미나Ⅱ (Early Childhood Education Quantitative Research SeminarⅡ) 3-3-0 
121-574 지속가능발전지향 유아 창의인성교육 (Early Childhood Creativity-Character Education for Sustain for Sustainable Development) 3-3-0
121-575 유아의과학개념탐구 (Study on Young Children's Science Concept) 3-3-0
121-576 유치원과학수업연구 (Study on Science Teaching for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-577 유아교사및교직에대한이해 (Understanding Teachig Profession and Teaching Ethics in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-578 유아미술교육 연구 (Seminar on Art Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-579 유아소프트웨어교육연구 (Seminar on Software Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-580 시각적연구방법세미나 (Seminar on Image based Research Method) 3-3-0
121-582 유아놀이이론세미나 (Seminar in Play Theory and Therapy) 3-3-0
121-583 문화간놀이비교연구 (Studies in Cross-Cultural Play Comparison) 3-3-0
121-584 놀이와현상학적연구 (Play and Phenomenological Study) 3-3-0
121-585 페미니즘과유아교육 (Feminisams and Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-586 유아수학교육세미나 (Seminar in Early Childhood Mathematics Education) 3-3-0
121-587 유아교육연구와근거이론 (Early Childhood Resarch and Grounded Theory) 3-3-0
121-588 유아건강교육세미나 (Seminar in Health Education for Young Children) 3-3-0
121-589 사회적변화와유아교육쟁점 (Social Changes and Issues in Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-590 아동기연구세미나 (Seminar in Childhood Studies) 3-3-0
121-591 사회문화적관점에서의유아교육 (Early Childhood Education from Socio-cultural Perspectives) 3-3-0
121-592 현장실행연구세미나 (Action Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-593 유아교육기관수업장학 (Supervision in Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-594 유아교사교육연구 (Study of Early Childhood Teacher Education) 3-3-0
121-595 고급유아교육연구방법론 (Advanced Research Methods in Early Children Education) 3-3-0
121-596 유아교육연구동향 (Current Research Topics in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-597 비판적관점에서의유아교육세미나 (Seminar in Early Childhood from Socio-cultural Perspectives) 3-3-0
121-601 유아교육수업실천연구 (Study of Instructional Practice in Early Childhood Education) 3-3-0
121-602 질적연구방법세미나 I (Qualitative Research Seminar I) 3-3-0
121-603 질적연구방법세미나 Ⅱ (Qualitative Research Seminar Ⅱ) 3-3-0
121-604 창의성교육세미나 I (Creativity Theory & Practice Seminar I) 3-3-0
121-605 창의성교육세미나 II (Creativity Theory & Practice Seminar II) 3-3-0
121-606 유아그림책과교육실천 (Young children’s Picture book and Education Practice) 3-3-0
121-607 유아디지털미디어문해연구 (Study on Young children’s Digital Media Literacy) 3-3-0
연구 121-821 논문연구세미나Ⅲ (Thesis&Dissertaion Seminar Ⅲ) 1-1-0
121-822 논문연구세미나Ⅳ (Thesis&Dissertaion SeminarⅣ) 1-1-0
121-823 논문연구세미나Ⅴ(Thesis&Dissertaion SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
121-824 논문연구세미나Ⅵ (Thesis&Dissertaion Seminar Ⅲ) 1-1-0
121-811 개인연구I (Independent Study I) 1-1-0
121-812 개인연구II (Independent Study II) 1-1-0
121-813 개인연구III (Independent Study III) 1-1-0
121-814 개인연구IV (Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
121-815 개인연구V (Independent Study V) 1-1-0
121-816 개인연구VI (Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
121-817 개인연구VII (Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
121-818 개인연구VIII (Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
121-819 개인연구IX (Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
121-820 개인연구X (Independent Study X) 3-3-0