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독일어권문화교육전공 교육과정안내(교육대학교) 표 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명(영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고 순으로 안내합니다.
전공영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 231-521 독일어교수법연구 (Studies in German Teaching Methods) 3-3-0 내용없음
231-522 독일어교육과매체 (German Education & Media) 3-3-0
231-523 독일어교육과문법 (German Education & German Grammar) 3-3-0
231-524 독일어교육과응용언어학 (German Education & Applied Linguistics) 3-3-0
231-525 독일어교육과정및평가연구 (Studies in Curriculum & Evaluation of German Learning) 3-3-0
231-526 독일어교육논술연구 (Studies in German Education Discourse) 3-3-0
231-527 독일어교육학연구 (Studies in German Education Theories) 3-3-0
231-528 독일어교재개발연구 (Studies in Development of German Teaching Materials) 3-3-0
231-529 독일어권교육제도연구 (Studies in School System of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-530 독일어권문학교수법연구 (Studies in Teaching Method of German Literature) 3-3-0
231-531 독일어권문학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Literature) 3-3-0
231-532 독일어권문학사교육연구 (Studies in Teaching History of German Literature) 3-3-0
231-533 독일어학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Linguistics) 3-3-0
231-534 독일어권문학의교육적활용 (Educational Use of German Literature) 3-3-0
교과내용학 231-651 독일어권문학과매체 (German Literature & Media) 3-3-0 내용없음
231-652 독일어권문학과영화분석 (German Literature & Film Analysis) 3-3-0
231-653 독일어권문학연구방법론 (Methods in Research of German Literature) 3-3-0
231-655 독일어권문학특강 (Seminar in German Literature) 3-3-0
231-656 독일어권문학특수주제연구 (Studies in Special Topics of German Literature) 3-3-0
231-657 독일어권문화교육방법론 (Methods of Teaching German Culture) 3-3-0
교과내용학 231-658 독일어권문화교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Culture) 3-3-0 내용없음
231-659 독일어권문화와매체 (Culture & Media of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-660 독일어권문화와언어생활연구 (Studies in Culture & Language Life of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-661 독일어권문화와영화 (Culture und Film of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-662 독일어권문화이론연구 (Studies in German Culture Theories) 3-3-0
231-663 독일어권문화특강 (Seminar in Culture of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-664 독일어권문화특수주제연구 (Studies in Special Topics of German Culture) 3-3-0
231-665 독일어권문화학연구 (Studies in German Culturology) 3-3-0
231-666 독일어권문화학과영미문화연구 (German Culturology & Anglo-American Cultural Studies) 3-3-0
231-667 독일어권생활문화연구 (Studies in Life Culture of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-668 독일어권언어문화연구 (Studies in Language & Culture of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-669 독일어권연극과교육 (German Drama & Education) 3-3-0
231-670 독일어권영화연구 (Studies in German Film) 3-3-0
231-671 독일어권예술특강 (Special Seminar in Art of German-speaking Countries) 3-3-0
231-672 독일어권작가연구 (Studies in German Authors) 3-3-0
231-673 독일어권지역연구 (Studies in German-speaking Regions) 3-3-0
231-674 독일어문법교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Grammar) 3-3-0
231-675 독일어와사회문화 (German Language & Social Culture) 3-3-0
231-676 독일어학특강 (Seminar in German Linguistics) 3-3-0
231-677 독일어학특수주제연구 (Studies in Special Topics in German Linguistics) 3-3-0
231-678 독일의외국어교육과상호문화 (Foreign Language Education & Interculture in Germany) 3-3-0
231-679 독일지역학교육연구 (Studies in Teaching German Regions) 3-3-0
231-680 독일학교육연구 (Educational Research of German Studies) 3-3-0
231-681 상호문화와의사소통능력 (Interculture & Communicative Competency) 3-3-0
231-682 외국어시험독일어 (German for Foreign Language Examination) 3-3-0
231-683 유럽교육의이해 (Understanding European Education) 3-3-0
231-684 현대독일어문법연구 (Studies in Modern German Grammar) 3-3-0
연구 231-811 개인연구Ⅰ (Independent Study I) 1-1-0 내용없음
231-812 개인연구Ⅱ (Independent Study Ⅱ) 1-1-0
231-813 개인연구Ⅲ (Independent Study Ⅲ) 1-1-0