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가정교육전공 교육과정안내(대학원) 표 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명(영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고 순으로 안내합니다.
전공영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 441-501 가정과교육과정 (Curriculum Development in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0 내용없음
441-503 가정교육연구방법론 (Research Methodology in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-505 가정과교재연구 (Practicum in Home Economics Teaching Materials) 3-3-0
441-507 가정과교수·학습론 (Instructional Strategies in Home Economics) 3-3-0
441-509 가정교육세미나 (Seminar in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-511 가정교육평가 (Evaluation of Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-513 가정교육과성인교육 (Adult Programs in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-514 가정교육과특수교육 (Special Needs in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-515 가정교육행정 (Foundations of Supervision in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-516 가정과교육동향및이슈 (Trends and Issues of Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-517 가정과교육장학론 (Supervision in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-518 가정과교육질적연구방법론 (Qualitative Research Methods in Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-519 가정교육원론과철학 (Principles and Philosophy of Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
441-520 직업가정교육론(Vocational Home Economics Education) 3-3-0
교과내용학 441-603 섬유가공론 (Textile Finishing) 3-3-0 내용없음
441-604 의복구성연구 (Clothing Construction) 3-3-0
441-606 복식의장학연구 (Topics in Fashion Design) 3-3-0
441-608 고급영양학 (Advanced Nutrition) 3-3-0
441-609 고급식품화학 (Advanced Food Chemistry) 3-3-0
441-614 기기분석론 (Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis) 3-3-0
441-616 실험조리 (Experimental Cookery) 3-1-4
441-617 가족과자원관리 (Advanced Family Resource Management) 3-3-0
441-619 주거사회학 (Socio-Economics Aspects of Housing) 3-3-0
441-621 소비자교육론 (Consumer Education) 3-3-0
441-625 오늘의식품영양학논제 (Current Topics in Food Science & Nutrition) 3-3-0
441-626 고급아동발달 (Advanced Child Development) 3-3-0
교과내용학 441-627 가족관계론 (Issues & Trends in Family Studies) 3-3-0 내용없음
441-628 성인발달과노화 (Adult Development and Aging) 3-3-0
441-630 주거학교육론 (Housing Education) 3-3-0
441-631 식단작성및평가 (Diet Planning & Evaluation) 3-1-4
441-632 영양조사및영양교육 (Nutritional Survey & Nutrition Education) 3-3-0
441-633 환경위생 (Hygiene of Environment) 3-3-0
441-634 복식사연구 (Study of Costume) 3-3-0
441-635 특수가족과주거 (Housing for Special Groups) 3-3-0
441-636 가계경제학 (Household Economics) 3-3-0
441-637 가족학의연구주제와경향 (Advanced Topics in Family Studies) 3-3-0
441-638 노년학의연구주제와경향 (Advanced Topics in Adulthood Development & Aging) 3-3-0
441-647 의류학의논제와동향 (Topics and Trend in Clothing & Textile) 3-3-0
441-648 가정생활문화 (Family Life Culture) 3-3-0
441-649 가족학이론 (Family Theory) 3-3-0
연구 441-821 논문연구세미나Ⅲ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅢ) 1-1-0 내용없음
441-822 논문연구세미나Ⅳ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅣ) 1-1-0
441-823 논문연구세미나Ⅴ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
441-824 논문연구세미나Ⅵ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅥ ) 1-1-0
441-811 개인연구I (Independent Study I) 1-1-0
441-812 개인연구II (Independent Study II) 1-1-0
441-813 개인연구III (Independent Study III) 1-1-0
441-814 개인연구IV (Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
441-815 개인연구V (Independent Study V) 1-1-0
441-816 개인연구VI (Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
441-817 개인연구VII (Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
441-818 개인연구VIII (Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
441-819 개인연구IX (Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
441-820 개인연구X (Independent Study X) 3-3-0