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교육과정 및 교육평가전공

교육과정 및 교육평가전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공 영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공 영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 113-501 교수이론 (Theory of Instruction) 3-3-0
113-502 교육과정이론 (Curriculum Theory) 3-3-0
113-504 교육과정개발이론 (Curriculum Development) 3-3-0
113-506 수업평가 (Instructional Evaluation) 3-3-0
113-507 교과서연구 (Study of Textbook) 3-3-0
113-509 교육과정사 (History of Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-510 교육과정철학 (Philosophy of Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-514 교육과정국제비교연구 (International and Comparative Study on Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-517 교육과정세미나 (Seminar on Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-519 교육통계Ⅰ (Educational StatisticsⅠ) 3-3-0
113-520 교육통계Ⅱ (Educational Statistics Ⅱ) 3-3-0
113-524 교육연구방법론 (Research Methods in Education) 3-3-0
113-525 교육평가 (Educational Evaluation) 3-3-0
113-529 구조방정식모형의이론과실제 (Structural Equation Modeling: Theories and Practice) 3-3-0
113-530 기초통계 (Introduction to Statistics) 3-3-0
113-531 실험설계 (Designof Experiments) 3-3-0
113-532 고급양적연구방법론 (Advanced Quantitative Research Methodology) 3-3-0
113-533 범주형자료분석 (Categorical Data Analysis) 3-3-0
113-534 논문작성을위한 응용통계 (Statistical Methods for Graduate Students) 3-3-0
113-535 창의적체험활동연구 (Creative experiential Activities) 3-3-0
113-536 프로그램평가 (Program Evaluation) 3-3-0
113-538 인식론과교육과정 (Epistemology and Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-539 교사와교육과정 (Teacher and Curriculum) 3-3-0
113-540 교육과언어 (Education and Language) 3-3-0
113-541 혼합방법연구 (Mixed Methods Research) 3-3-0
113-542 교육환경연구 (Laboratory of School Problems) 3-3-0
113-543 학교문제연습 (Laboratory of School Problems) 3-3-0
113-546 교육과정연구 (Curriculum Research) 3-3-0
113-547 다문화교육과정 (Multicultural Research) 3-3-0
113-548 교육과정연구법 (Curriculum Research Methodology) 3-3-0
113-549 기계학습 (Machine Learning) 3-3-0
113-550 교육관연구 (Study on Educational Viewpoint) 3-3-0
113-551 교육이론 (Educational Theory) 3-3-0
113-552 교육과정해석연습 (Advanced Seminar on Curriculum Interpretation) 3-3-0
113-553 위계적선형모형 (Hierarchical Linear Model) 3-3-0
113-554 문항반응이론 (Item Response Theory) 3-3-0
113-555 교육원리의 이해 (Educational Principles) 3-3-0
연구 113-821 논문연구세미나Ⅲ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅢ) 1-1-0
113-822 논문연구세미나Ⅳ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅣ) 1-1-0
113-823 논문연구세미나Ⅴ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
113-824 논문연구세미나Ⅵ (Thesis & Dissertation SeminarⅥ) 1-1-0
113-811 개인연구I (Independent Study I) 1-1-0
113-812 개인연구II (Independent Study II) 1-1-0
113-813 개인연구III (Independent Study III) 1-1-0
113-814 개인연구IV (Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
113-815 개인연구V (Independent Study V) 1-1-0
113-816 개인연구VI (Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
113-817 개인연구VII (Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
113-818 개인연구VIII (Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
113-819 개인연구IX (Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
113-820 개인연구X (Independent Study X) 3-3-0