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상담심리전공 교육과정 안내 - 전공영역, 교과목 번호, 과목명 (영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고
전공영역 교과목 번호 과목명 (영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 117-501 학생상담이론과실제 (Student Counseling Theory and Practice) 3-3-0 비어있음
117-502 학생상담연습 (Laboratory in Student Counseling) 3-3-0
117-503 진로상담과지도 (Career Counseling and Guidance) 3-3-0
117-504 집단상담과지도 (Group Counseling and Guidance) 3-3-0
117-505 가족상담과치료 (Family Counseling and Psycho- therapy) 3-3-0
117-506 성격심리학 (Psychology of Personality) 3-3-0
117-507 학교심리학 (School Psychology) 3-3-0
117-508 발달심리학 (Developmental Psychology) 3-3-0
117-509 아동상담 (Counseling for Children) 3-3-0
117-510 청소년상담 (Counseling for Adolescence) 3-3-0
117-511 특수아상담 (Counseling for Exceptional Children) 3-3-0
117-512 행동수정론 (Behavior Modification: Principles and Practices) 3-3-0
117-513 이상심리와정신병리 (Abnormal Psychology and Psychopathology) 3-3-0
117-514 심리교육자문 (Psychoeducational Consultation) 3-3-0
117-515 학생문제세미나 (Seminar in Student Problems) 3-3-0
117-516 상담심리학세미나 (Seminar in Counseling Psychology) 3-3-0
117-517 고급상담이론 (Advanced Counseling Theories) 3-3-0
117-518 상담심리검사 (Psychological Testing in Counseling Psychology) 3-3-0
117-519 심리검사제작연구 (Seminar in Psychological Test Construction) 3-3-0
117-520 상담심리학연구법 (Research Methods in Counseling Psychology) 3-3-0
117-521 질적연구법 (Qualitative Research Methods) 3-3-0
117-522 상담실습및사례연구 (Practicum in Counseling and Case Studies) 3-3-0
117-523 상담수퍼비젼실습 (Practicum in Counseling Supervision) 3-3-0
117-524 상담심리학인턴쉽 (Clinical Internship in Counseling Psychology) 3-3-0
117-525 생활지도연구 (Study on Guidance) 3-3-0
117-527 학교상담프로그램개발론 (Development of School Counseling Program) 3-3-0
117-529 상담연구방법론 (Methodology of Counseling Research) 3-3-0
117-530 창의적상담기법연구 (Studies in Creative approach in Counseling) 3-3-0
117-531 상담실습 (Counseling Practicum) 3-3-0
연구 117-821 논문연구세미나Ⅲ (Thesis Dissertation SeminarⅢ) 1-1-0
117-822 논문연구세미나Ⅳ (Thesis Dissertation SeminarⅣ) 1-1-0
117-823 논문연구세미나Ⅴ (Thesis Dissertation SeminarⅤ) 1-1-0
117-824 논문연구세미나Ⅵ (Thesis Dissertation SeminarⅥ) 1-1-0
117-811 개인연구I (Independent Study I) 1-1-0
117-812 개인연구II (Independent Study II) 1-1-0
117-813 개인연구III (Independent Study III) 1-1-0
117-814 개인연구IV (Independent Study IV) 1-1-0
117-815 개인연구V (Independent Study V) 1-1-0
117-816 개인연구VI (Independent Study VI) 1-1-0
117-817 개인연구VII (Independent Study VII) 1-1-0
117-818 개인연구VIII (Independent Study VIII) 2-2-0
117-819 개인연구IX (Independent Study IX) 3-3-0
117-820 개인연구X (Independent Study X) 3-3-0