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교육사회 및 평생교육전공

교육사회 및 평생교육전공 - 전공영역, 교과목번호, 과목명(영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고에 대한 정보를 제공합니다
전공영역 교과목번호 과목명(영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 114-501 교육사회학이론(Advanced Course in Sociology of Education) 3-3-0
114-502 교육사회학세미나(Seminar in Sociology of Education) 3-3-0
114-503 교육사회학방법론(Methodology in Sociology of Education) 3-3-0
114-504 교육과사회변동(Education and Social Change) 3-3-0
114-505 교육과사회사상(Education and Ideology) 3-3-0
114-506 교육과정사회학(Sociology of Curriculum) 3-3-0
114-507 학교사회학연구(Research in Sociology of Schools) 3-3-0
114-509 성인학습및지도의이해(Adult Learning Theory and Instruction) 3-3-0
114-510 학교교육과시민단체활동(School Education and NGO) 3-3-0
114-512 평생학습사회에서의학교교육(Schools in Lifelong Learning Society) 3-3-0
114-513 청소년지도자론(Youth Leadership and Guidance) 3-3-0
114-514 교육과불평등연구(Education and Inequality) 3-3-0
114-515 교육의역사사회학(Historical Sociology of Education) 3-3-0
114-516 학교평생교육세미나(Seminar on Lifelong Education for Schools) 3-3-0
114-517 교사사회학(Sociology of Teachers and Teaching) 3-3-0
114-518 평생교육개론(Introduction of Lifelong Education) 3-3-0
연구 114-811 개인연구I(Independent Study I) 1-1-0
114-812 개인연구II(Independent Study II) 1-1-0
114-813 개인연구III(Independent Study II) 1-1-0