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교육철학 및 교육사전공

교육철학 및 교육사전공 - 전공영역, 교과목번호, 과목명(영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고에 대한 정보를 제공합니다
전공영역 교과목번호 과목명(영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용학 112-501 학습 과제 분석론(Analysis of Learning Task) 3-3-0
112-502 한국교육철학(Philosophy of Korean Education) 3-3-0
112-503 동양교육철학(Philosophy of Oriental of Education) 3-3-0
112-504 교육목적론연구(Studies on Theories of Educational Aim) 3-3-0
112-507 철학적 분석과 교육(Philosophical Analysis and Education) 3-3-0
112-508 윤리학과 교육연구(Seminar in Ethics and Education) 3-3-0
112-509 논리학과 교육연구(Seminar in Logic and Education) 3-3-0
112-510 과학철학과 교육연구(Seminar in Philosophy of Science and Education) 3-3-0
112-511 교육과정 철학연구(Seminar in Philosophy of Curriculum) 3-3-0
112-512 현대서양교육철학(Contemporary Western Educational Philosophy) 3-3-0
112-513 한국교육사연구(Seminar in History of Korean Education) 3-3-0
112-514 서양교육사(History of Western Education) 3-3-0
112-515 한국근대교육특강(Topics on Modern Education in Korea) 3-3-0
112-516 동양교육사(History of Oriental Education) 3-3-0
112-517 한국지방교육사연구(Seminar in History of Local Education in Korea) 3-3-0
112-518 교육원전연구(Studies on Oriental Texts in Education) 3-3-0
112-520 서양교육원전연구(Seminar in Oriental Texts in Western Education) 3-3-0
112-521 동양교육사상사(History of Oriental Educational Thought) 3-3-0
112-522 서양교육사상사(History of Western Educational Thought) 3-3-0
112-526 교육사연구세미나(Seminar in Research on History of Education) 3-3-0
112-527 비교교육사연구(Comparative History of Education) 3-3-0
112-528 교육사상사연구(Study on History of Educational Thoughts) 3-3-0
112-529 교육사상연구(Studies on Educational Thought) 3-3-0
연구 112-811 개인연구I(Independent Study I) 1-1-0
112-812 개인연구II(Independent Study II) 1-1-0
112-812 개인연구III(Independent Study III) 1-1-0