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교육방법 및 교육공학전공

교육방법 및 교육공학전공 - 전공영역, 교과목번호, 과목명(영문명), 학점 및 시간, 비고에 대한 정보를 제공합니다
전공영역 교과목번호 과목명(영문명) 학점 및 시간 비고
교과교육학 및 교과내용 116-508 학습 과제 분석론(Analysis of Learning Task)
116-509 개별화 수업 이론(Theories of Individualized Instruction) 3-3-0
116-516 CBI 이론적 기초(Theoretical Foundation of CBI) 3-3-0
116-522 교육공학연구(Research in lnstructional Technology) 3-3-0
116-525 주제별 세미나Ⅰ(Topical SeminarⅠ) 3-3-0
116-526 학습환경설계의이론과모형(Theories and Models for Learning Environment Design) 3-3-0
116-530 교육공학기초(Foundations of Educational Technology) 3-3-0
116-531 교육공학 콜로퀴엄(Instructional Technology Colloquium) 3-3-0
116-534 수업혁신사례연구(Studies on Innovative Instruction Cases) 3-3-0
116-539 교수설계의이론과모형(Instructional Design Theories and Models) 3-3-0
116-540 이러닝의이론과실제(E-learning Theory and Practice) 3-3-0
116-542 첨단학습환경설계(Emerging Learning Environment Design) 3-3-0
116-543 학습자중심교육의이론과실제(Theory and Practice for Learner-centered Education) 3-3-0
116-544 교육공학 특강 (Instructional to Educational Technology) 3-3-0
116-545 교육공학연구방법(Research Methods in Educational Technology) 3-3-0
116-546 교수설계 연구(Research on Instructional Design) 3-3-0
116-547 뉴미디어 연구 및 활용(Research and Application of New Media) 3-3-0
116-548 원격교육의 원리와 실제(Principle and Practice of Distance Education) 3-3-0
116-549 멀티미디어의 설계 및 개발(Design and development of Multimedia) 3-3-0
116-550 교육용컴퓨터게임의기획(Planning of Educational Computer Game) 3-3-0
116-551 교수설계(Instructional Design) 3-3-0
116-552 이러닝 설계(Design of e-Learning) 3-3-0
116-553 교육공학과질적연구(Qualitative Research in Educational Technology) 3-3-0
116-554 역량중심수업설계(Competence Based Instructional Design) 3-3-0
116-555 수업컨설팅이해(Introduction to Instructional Consulting) 3-3-0
116-556 교수방법과 전략(Instructional Methods and Strategies) 3-3-0
116-557 교수체제설계(ISD)(Instructional Systems Design) 3-3-0
116-558 교육공학연구실습(Practice in Educational Technology Research) 3-3-0
116-559 에듀테크 활용 및 개발(EduTech Utilization and Development) 3-3-0
116-560 수업설계이론과 실천(Instructional Design Theory and Practice) 3-3-0
연구 113-811 개인연구I(Independent Study I) 1-1-0
113-812 개인연구II(Independent Study II) 1-1-0
113-813 개인연구III(Independent Study II) 1-1-0