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The candle symbolizes the idea of burning oneself to bring light to the world. It reflects the ultimate expression of love and dedication, showcasing the spirit of self-sacrifice that is an ideal quality for educators. This image embodies the profound commitment and noble spirit that we encourage in our teaching community.
This abbreviation symbolizes the university’s role as a leading and central institution, reflecting its influential and pioneering position in education.
Open book
The open book symbolizes the dedication to exploring deep scholarly theories, a core mission of the university. It represents the commitment to enhancing character and quality, and embodies the proactive efforts that foster a vibrant academic atmosphere and a culture of learning.
Spreading rays
The beams of light signify the development of an ideal education and realization of happiness.

KNUE Color

KNUE Color
#072d6e r:7 g:45 b:110 c:100 m:95 y:47 k:3
#03519c r:3 g:81 b:156 c:94 m:72 y:14 k:0
Blue comes from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant itself; representing the student who surpasses the teacher
  • The immaculate and pure character with ideals as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky
  • The spirit of unlocking infinite potential and achieving greatness
KNUE’s blue color scheme represents students’ personalities filled with ambition and ideals as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky. The blue hue also displays the students’ spirit of tapping into their infinite potential and making achievements, mirroring the educational significance of the old saying “Cheong-chul-eo-ram” (靑出於藍).