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  • 01 Achieved the highest grade of “A” in the 4th annual session of the 5th-period Teacher Education Institute Capability Assessment(2022)
  • 02 Selected twice consecutively for the KOICA Master's Degree Training Program(2021–2024)
  • 03 Selected as the new project group for CAMPUS Asia’s Korea-Japan-China expansion project(’21 - ’26)
  • 04 Maintained special national university-affiliated middle and high schools(2021; expected to open in March 2027)
  • 05 Recognized as a “Highly Excellent Institute” in the evaluation of the Remote Education Training Institute’s operations
  • 06 Selected as Chungcheongbuk-do’s Carbon Neutrality Support Center(2022-2025)
  • 07 Acquired an A-grade in the National University Fostering Project’s incentives assessment
  • 08 Opened Korea’s first specialized training center for early childhood education, the “Training Center for Early Childhood Education and Care”(2023)
  • 09 Secured budget for the establishment of the AI-EduTech Center(2023; expected to open in 2028)
  • 10 Maintained the highest national level of acceptance rate for the teacher qualification exam(2023, 161 qualified examinees)
  • 11 Selected for the UNESCO UNITWIN Project two consecutive times(2023-2027)
  • 12 First to be selected for the support project for universities contributing to high school education(2024)
  • 13 Selected for the project to establish and operate the EduTech Soft Lab for elementary and secondary education(2024)