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Agreements With Foreign Universities (45)

Agreements With Foreign Universities (45) table - guide you through steps Country, Name (Korean), Name (English), Agreement start date, Agreement end date, Agreement details
Country Name (Korean) Name (English) Agreement start date Agreement end date Agreement details
Germany University of Duisburg-Essen Universität Duisburg-Essen(University of Duisburg-Essen) 2019.04.16 2029.04.14 Exchange student programs, professor and research staff exchanges, student exchanges, academic cooperation, etc.
Laos Souphanouvong University Souphanouvong University 2017.09.13
Researcher and university staff exchanges, student exchanges, joint university staff training programs, joint research programs, etc.
Mongolia Mongolian National University of Education Mongolian National University of Education 2015.09.14 2025.09.12 Joint research and educational activities, teaching staff exchanges, conferences and seminar invitations, information exchange, exchanges of undergraduate and graduate students in education and research
USA Southern Utah University Southern Utah University 2022.01.10 2027.01.09 Exchange student and internship programs, professor and staff exchanges, data and document exchanges, joint research and conferences, short-term programs, etc.
USA University of North Alabama University of North Alabama 2020.10.14 2025.10.13 Professor exchanges, joint research, seminar and academic conferences, academic data and information exchanges, short-term academic programs, exchange student programs (research, studies)
USA University of Wisconsin-Whitewater University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 2020.04.21 2026.04.19 Exchange student programs, professor exchanges, academic publications and information exchanges, joint research development, joint educational program development
USA Indiana University Bloomington Indiana State University 2020.01.16 2025.01.15 Shared academic publication and data, shared curricula and courses, joint educational courses, diplomas, and program development, research and teaching staff exchanges, undergraduate internship programs, joint research, undergraduate and graduate exchange student programs
USA Fairleigh Dickinson University Fairleigh Dickinson University 1993.07.16 2028.07.09 Research project cooperation, professor exchanges, researcher participation in research activities, government-supported graduate student courses, non-diploma courses, support for teaching staff and students, participation in academic conferences, exchanges in academic information and other materials
USA Northern Arizona University Northern Arizona University 2020.12.08 2024.12.07 Exchanges in academic content, research, students, and staff members
USA University of Nevada University of Nevada 2023.08.25 2028.08.24 Education and research for professors, students, and university staff, exchanges through university administration programs, staff visits to respective universities, encouragement in raising awareness regarding academic research, research institutes, and educational resources
Myanmar Yangon University Of Education Yangon University of Education 2020.12.01 2030.11.30 International Cooperation Leading University Fostering Project (failed to land project contract)
Angola Agostinho Neto University Agostinho Neto University 2019.12.02 2024.12.01 Professor exchanges, joint research, seminar and academic conferences, academic data and information exchanges, short-term academic programs, exchange student programs (research, studies)
Austria University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich (UniversityofEducationLowerAustria) 2021.03.25 Unlimited Exchange student programs
India University of Delhi University of Delhi 2006.11.03 Unlimited Formation of an educational consortium (Beijing Normal University, Cheongju National University of Education, University of Teacher Education Fukuoka, Guangxi Normal University, Gyeongin National University of Education, Hiroshima University, Hunan Normal University, Joetsu University of Education, KNUE, Tokyo Gakugei University, University of Delhi, Yanbian University)
Indonesia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (IndonesiaUniversityofEducation) 2023.08.23 2028.08.22 Educational exchanges, overseas projects, internships, academic exchanges, professor and administrative staff exchanges, etc.
Japan Tokyo Gakugei University 東京学芸大学 (Tokyo Gakugei University) 2014.03.05 2024.10.09 Exchange student programs, university staff exchanges, joint research, academic data and information exchanges, other exchange programs or activities (Renewal of Exchange Student and Academic Program Agreement: 2020.10.10)
Japan Ryukoku University (Faculty of International Studies) 龍谷大学 (Ryukoku University) 2009.08.11 Unlimited Agreement between KNUE's 2nd College and Ryukoku University&s Faculty of International Studies
Japan Joetsu University of Education 上越教育大学 (Joetsu University of Education) 2001.09.21 Unlimited Exchange student programs, mutual cooperative research and education, professor exchanges, information exchanges
Japan University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba) 2023.03.14 2028.03.31 Teaching staff and researcher exchanges, undergraduate and graduate student exchanges, joint research and academic conferences, exchanges of information and data, etc.
Japan University of Teacher Education Fukuoka 福岡教育大学 (University of Teacher Education Fukuoka) 2019.03.12 Unlimited Exchange student programs
Japan Hiroshima University 広島大学 (Hiroshima University) 2005.10.31 Unlimited Exchange student programs, joint research, university staff exchanges, research result exchanges, etc.
China Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 广东外语外贸大学 (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) 2012.12.30 Unlimited Exchange student programs, professor exchanges, multiple diploma courses, short-term training, master&s and doctorate recommendations
China Jilin Normal University 吉林师范大学 (Jilin Normal University) 2011.10.11 Unlimited Exchange student programs, professor exchanges, multiple diploma courses, master&s and doctorate recommendations
China Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University) 2002.09.06 Unlimited Mutual cooperative research and educational activities, mutual professor exchanges, student exchanges, information exchanges
China Yangtze Normal University 湛江师范大学 (Zhanjiang Normal University) 2007.05.08 Unlimited Cultural and academic development, staff empowerment, short-term/long-term diploma or non-diploma courses, etc.
China Changchun Normal University 長春师范大学 (Changchun Normal University) 2009.10.14 Unlimited Multiple diploma courses
China Zhejiang Normal University 浙江师范大学 (Zhejiang Normal University) 2016.04.27 Unlimited Joint research and activities, debates, joint research programs, academic data and information exchanges, scholar-student-staff exchanges (multiple diploma, non-diploma courses, etc.), fitness culture exchanges
China Zhejiang Shuren University 浙江树人大学 (Zhejian Shuren University) 2013.06.16 Unlimited Joint academic activities, joint research, information exchanges, human resource exchanges (professor and staff), student exchanges (joint diploma and non-diploma courses), academic publication exchanges, etc.
China Tianjin Normal University 天津师范大学 (Tianjin Normal University) 2010.05.17 Unlimited Mutual data-publication-information exchanges, professor and researcher exchanges, student exchanges, joint research, etc.
China Hunan Normal University 湖南师范大学 (Hunan Normal University) 2014.09.22 Unlimited Academic research, conference invitations, information exchanges, professor exchanges, staff member and student dispatch programs
China The Education University of Hong Kong The Education University in Hong Kong 2023.08.18 2028.08.17 Exchange student programs, joint research and activities, academic and administrative collaborations, staff member dispatch, joint conferences, etc.
China South China Normal University 華南师范大学 (South China Normal University) 2012.12.30 Unlimited Exchange student programs, professor exchanges, multiple diploma programs, short-term training programs
China East China Normal University 華東师范大学 (East China Normal University) 2023.09.12 2028.09.11 Exchange student programs, education and research for professors, students, and university staff, exchanges through university administration programs, staff&s visit to counterparty universities, encouragement of raising awareness regarding academic research, research institutes, and educational resources
China Shandong Normal University 山东师范大学 (Shandong Normal University) 2020.10.27 2025.10.26 Professor, staff, and student exchanges, joint academic research, etc.
China Central Normal University 首都师范大学 (Capital Normal University) 2023.07.26 2028.07.25 Professor, staff, and student exchanges, joint academic events and programs, etc. (Automatically terminated when there is no exchange for 2 years after the agreement)
China Yanbian University Yanbian University 2020.06.23 2025.06.22 Professor, staff, and student exchanges, joint academic research, etc.
Chile Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences Universidad Metropolitan A de Ciencias de la Educacion 2007.05.04 Unlimited Student dispatch, training and research programs, sharing of resources and data, office space offers
Thailand Mahidol University Mahidol University 2023.07.11 2028.07.08 Faculty exchanges, joint research, joint conferences, seminars and other meetings, exchange of information, copyright, and similar materials, short-term academic programs, exchange student programs, development of teacher qualification programs in science and mathematics, etc.
Thailand Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen University 2021.11.22 2026.11.21 Student dispatch related to CAMPUS Asia+
Philippines University of Philippines University of Philippines 2022.04.11 2026.04.10 Participation in UNITWIN, teacher training and joint content development, academic conferences and programs, etc.
Australia Curtin University Curtin University 2023.07.11 2027.12.31 Overseas student training program related to GTU (changes in agreement terms)
Vietnam Vietnam National University Vietnam National University 2018.12.07 2027.06.30 Participation in UNITWIN
Uzbekistan Tashkent International University of Education Tashkent State Pedigogical University named after Nizami 2024.01.23 2029.01.22 Joint seminars, cooperation in science and innovation areas
Singapore National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University 2023.08.07 2028.08.06 Exchange student programs, research cooperation, signature of joint business agreement regarding professor exchanges (Gyeongin National University of Education, Jeonju National University of Education, Gwangju National University of Education, Cheongju National University of Education, Gongju National University of Education)
Uzbekistan Tashkent International University of Education Tashkent State Pedigogical University named after Nizami 2024.01.23 2029.01.22 Joint seminars, cooperation in science and innovation areas
Singapore National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University 2023.08.07 2028.08.06 Exchange student programs, research cooperation, signature of joint business agreement regarding professor exchanges (Gyeongin National University of Education, Jeonju National University of Education, Gwangju National University of Education, Cheongju National University of Education, Gongju National University of Education)
Uzbekistan Tashkent International University of Education Tashkent State Pedigogical University named after Nizami 2024.01.23 2029.01.22 Joint seminars, cooperation in science and innovation areas
Singapore National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University 2023.08.07 2028.08.06 Exchange student programs, research cooperation, signature of joint business agreement regarding professor exchanges (Gyeongin National University of Education, Jeonju National University of Education, Gwangju National University of Education, Cheongju National University of Education, Gongju National University of Education)

Agreements With Foreign Institutions (14 Institutions)

Agreements With Foreign Institutions (14 Institutions) table - guide you through steps Country, Institute (in Korean), Institute (in English), Agreement start date, Agreement end date, Agreement details
Country Institute (in Korean) Institute (in English) Agreement start date Agreement end date Agreement details
Vietnam Korean International School in Hanoi -내용없음 2013.07.03. 2025.06.29. Volunteering activities, practical field education, etc.
Israel Time To Know -내용없음 2014.02.28 2026.02.24 Contribution to global education in ecology and environment, joint research development, etc.
Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia Korean School -내용없음 2019.09.18 2025.09.16 International exchange programs, including Korean education, culture, and history experiences for Jakarta Indonesia Korean School students and KNUE students& volunteering activities
China Korean International School in Beijing -내용없음 2016.11.11 2024.11.05 Practical education, educational volunteering
China Korean Autonomous Prefecture -내용없음 2011.10.10 Unlimited Dispatch of foreign students from Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, training and study programs for students from Yanbian Korean schools, practical education, short-term training, teacher exchanges, educational science research exchanges, etc.
China Korean International School in Tianjin -내용없음 2016.11.15 Unlimited Practical education, educational volunteering
Canada Alliance Française Ottawa Conseil des Ecoles Catholiques du Centre-Est 2019.07.04 Unlimited Internship programs for Korean teacher-student pairs
Canada Korean Education Centre in Canada -내용없음 2018.10.09 2024.10.04 Support for Canadian educational volunteering activities, selection and support for practical education organizations, joint investigation and provision of educational information, etc.
Canada Toronto Catholic District School Board Toronto Catholic District School Board 2018.10.09 Unlimited Internship in Ontario (or practical international education)
Thailand Mahidol University International Demonstration School Mahidol University International Demonstration School 2018.11.09 2026.10.24 KNUE students & dispatch to overseas training program (practical international education)
UN UNESCO UNESCO 2018.12.07 2027.06.30 UNITWIN Project
Philippines SEAMEO INNOTECH Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology 2019.08.09 Unlimited Academic exchanges between institutions
USA A-KEEP Alabama-Korea Education and Economics Partnership 2022.07.15 2027.07.14 Academic exchanges, exchanges of academic materials, etc., conference group collaborations, short-term programs, student training programs, etc. (linked with GTU)
Uzbekistan Korea Education Center in Tashkent -내용없음 2024.07.23 Unlimited Promotional activities include inviting foreign students, educational volunteering, support for exchanges with Uzbekistani education institutions, simultaneous implementation of Korean language education and culture projects, human resource exchanges, etc.

World map image

Status of overseas partner countries of Korea National University of Education (as of 2023)
한국교원대학교 해외 협력국Asia 선택됨 Asia Europe Africa Australia North_america South_america
China and Japan: 24 universities and institutions
  • Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
  • Guangxi Normal University
  • Jilin Normal University
  • Beijing Normal University
  • Korean International School in Beijing
  • Yantai University
  • Yangtze University
  • Changchun Normal University
  • Zhejiang Normal University
  • Zhejiang Shuren University
  • Korean Autonomous Prefecture
  • Tianjin Normal University
  • Korean International School in Tianjin
  • Hunan Normal University
  • The Education University of Hong Kong
  • South China Normal University
  • East China Normal University
  • Central China Normal University
  • Tokyo Gakugei University
  • Ryukoku University: Faculty of International Studies
  • Joetsu University of Education
  • University of Tsukuba
  • University of Teacher Education Fukuoka
  • Hiroshima University
Europe: 4 countries, 4 universities and institutions
  • University of Duisburg-Essen
  • University of Sheffield
  • University College of Teacher Education
  • UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
Africa: 2 countries, 3 universities and institutions
  • Mohammed V University
  • Agostinho Neto University
  • African Mathematical Union
Other Asian countries: 10 countries, 15 universities and institutes
  • University of Delhi
  • Lampung University
  • Mahidol University
  • Mahidol University International Demonstration School
  • Mongolian National University of Education
  • Souphanouvong University
  • Yangon University Of Education
  • Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Jakarta Indonesia Korean School
  • Curtin University
  • University of Philippines
  • Korean International School in Hanoi
  • Time to Know
Canada and USA: 11 universities and institutions
  • University of North Alabama
  • Southern Utah University
  • University of Ottawa
  • Alliance Française Ottawa
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Indiana University Bloomington
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Korean Education Centre in Canada
  • Queen's University
  • Toronto Catholic District School Board
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
Latin America and the Caribbean: 1 country, 2 universities and institutions
  • Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences
  • University of Chile