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University status

University staff status

University staff status - Type, Capacity
Type Capacity
President 1
Public educational officials Full-time faculty 214
TAs 49
Staff of affiliated schools 132
Sum 395
Public officials & other workers Extraordinary civil service 1
Normal 156
Researchers 2
Education specialists 12
University accountants 125
Sum 296
Total 692

Student status

Student status - Type, Undergraduate (Majors), Capacity
Type Undergraduate (Majors)< /th> Capacity
University 1st College 4 592
2nd College 9 645
3rd College 11 719
4st College 3 228
Sum 27 2,184
Graduate School Graduate School Master’s course 21(56) 810
Doctoral course 20(48) 432
Graduate School of Education Master’s course 21(54) 1,959
Graduate School of Educational Policy and Administration Master’s course 1(3) 205
Doctoral course 1(3) 18
Sum -empty -empty 3,457
Total 5,692

Affiliated school student status

Affiliated school student status - Type,Classes,Capacity
Type Classes Capacity
Affiliated Kindergarten 7(1) 104
Affiliated Wolgok Elementary School 25(1) 438
Affiliated Miho Middle School 20(1) 363
Affiliated High School 12(1) 348
Total 64(4) 1,253

The numbers in brackets are special classrooms and are included in the total