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KNUE President Cha Woo Kyu's image

I sincerely welcome you to KNUE,
a university that pioneers the path of education in Korea
and aims to become the hub of K-education.

As Korea’s only comprehensive teacher-training university, which fosters educators across all levels—from early childhood to special education, elementary, and secondary education, KNUE has been instrumental in shaping and innovating advancing Korean education since its founding in 1984. The university is dedicated to advancing national education through its programs in teacher training, educational research, and professional development. KNUE is affiliated with elementary, middle, and high schools, and a specialized physical education middle and high school is planned to be established by 2027, expanding our network of educational institutions.

Meanwhile, the rapid social changes associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with environmental and demographic crises, are demanding new approaches and actions within our educational system. In response to theses challenges, we at KNUE will take the initiative to make changes and innovations based on AI educational technology by harnessing the expertise the school has amassed, thereby leading the development of universities, national education, and K-education.

We will achieve this goal by expanding and diversifying KNUE’s scope, positioning our university as the central hub for future Korean education, and covering all educational needs from cradle to grave, both within Korea and globally. Additionally, we will strengthen our collaborations with institutions such as the Ministry of Education, district offices of education, government-funded education research institutes, and educational organizations. Through these partnerships, we aim to innovate teacher training, enhance educational research, and broaden professional development, thereby contributing to the advancement of future education.

With the unwavering trust and support of everyone in the education community and beyond, we will strive to elevate KNUE to become a proud and distinguished leader among Korea’s educational institutions, advancing on a global scale through our commitment to education.
I humbly ask for your continued support in the future. Thank you.
12th President of Korea National University of Education 차우규