본문 바로가기


The cultivation of competent teachers devoted to the realization of national and human ideals
  • Ministry of Education

    Teacher policy experimentation and trial application

  • KNUE

    Comprehensive leadership in teacher education and teacher training

  • Ministry of Education

    Teacher policy experimentation and trial application

Comprehensive and balanced development of teacher education Comprehensive and balanced development of teacher education
  • Superior faculty recruitment
  • Integrated operation and support system for comprehensive teacher training
  • Formation of administrative and Financial support systems
Specialization Differentiation Specialization Differentiation
Specialization Differentiation
  • Teacher Cultivation
  • Teacher Training
  • Educational Research


  • Cultivation of human education and community spirit
  • Systematization of education in schools
  • Emphasis on quality over quantity
  • Cultivating talented educators for national education
  • Establishing a foundation for improving the social status of educators
  • Contributing to national development and global prosperity
  • Harmonious links between universality and particularity, openness and specialty
  • Forming a foundation for the better social positioning of teachers
  • Emphasis on curriculum-based education


  • LOVE