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김민경 교수 이미지
김민경 교수
  • 전공
  • 연락처 043-230-3517
  • 이메일 minkyungkim@knue.ac.kr


  • 2023.10.01 ~ 현재 : 한국교원대학교 , 부교수
  • 2022.09.01 ~ 2023.09.30 : 한국교원대학교 , 조교수
  • 2019.09.01 ~ 2022.08.31 : 나고야상과대학 , 전임강사


  • 2019.05.17 : Georgia State University , PhD (미국)
  • 2014.08.25 : 고려대학교 , 석사 (한국)
  • 2011.08.25 : 고려대학교 , 학사 (한국)


  • 영어읽기교육
  • 영어쓰기교육


  • 2022.10.01 : Roles of working memory, syllogistic inferencing ability, and linguistic knowledge on second language listening comprehension for passages of different lengths (Language Testing)
  • 2022.08.01 : Second language reading and writing in relation to first language, vocabulary knowledge, and learning backgrounds (International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism)
  • 2022.06.27 : Exploring literal and inferential reading comprehension among L2 adolescent learners: the roles of working memory capacity, syllogistic inference, and L2 linguistic knowledge (Reading and Writing)
  • 2022.06.01 : Linguistic features of writing quality and development: A longitudinal approach (Journal of Writing Analytics)
  • 2021.12.01 : Considerations and challenges in longitudinal studies of lexical features in L2 writing (Vocabulary Learning and Instruction)
  • 2021.12.01 : Exploring longitudinal changes in lexical and syntactic features in beginning-level EFL learner writing (System)
  • 2021.11.27 : Cohesive devices as an indicator of L2 students' writing fluency (Reading and Writing)
  • 2021.09.01 : Exploring the relationships among cognitive and linguistic resources, writing processes, and written products in second language writing (Journal of Second Language Writing)
  • 2020.08.07 : Exploring the construct validity of the ECCE: Latent structure of a CEFR-based high-intermediate level English language proficiency test (Language Assessment Quarterly)
  • 2018.09.01 : Building second language writers’ genre knowledge during study abroad in higher education (Journal of English for Academic Purposes)
  • 2018.07.01 : Modeling second language writing quality: A structural equation investigation of lexical, syntactic, and cohesive features in source-based and independent writing (Assessing Writing)
  • 2018.02.23 : Effects of lexical features, textual properties, and individual differences on word processing times during second language reading comprehension (Reading and Writing)
  • 2018.01.01 : Lexical sophistication as a multidimensional phenomenon: Relations to second language lexical proficiency, development, and writing quality (Modern Language Journal)