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김완연 교수
  • 전공 분자생물학, 생명시스템학
  • 연락처 043-230-3750
  • 이메일 wykim82@knue.ac.kr


  • 2023.03.01 ~ 현재 : 충북대학교 , 교류교수
  • 2022.03.01 ~ 2024.02.29 : 한국교원대학교 생물교육과 , 학과장
  • 2017.03.01 ~ 현재 : 한국교원대학교 생물교육과 , 조교수, 부교수
  • 2013.11. ~ 2017.02.28 : 부산대학교 , 리서치펠로우
  • 2013.09. ~ 2013.10. : 부산대학교 , 박사후연구원


  • 2013.08. : 부산대학교 , 이학박사 (대한민국)
  • 2010.08. : 부산대학교 , 이학석사 (대한민국)
  • 2008.08. : 부산대학교 , 이학사 (대한민국)


  • 생물정보학 : 유전체, 전사체, 단백질체 프로파일링 연구
  • 암생물학 : 종양 형성 및 악성화 기전 연구
  • 분자유전학 : 전사인자 및 lncRNA 작용 기전 연구


  • 2024.05.31 : 특성화고 맞춤 온라인 콘텐츠 활용 교수 학습 자료의 개발 및 적용 효과 (현장과학교육)
  • 2023.11.21 : Hippo-YAP/TAZ pathway regulation: the crucial roles of lncRNAs in cancer (Animal Cells and Systems)
  • 2023.09.19 : 카페인 대사 유전자의 SNP를 활용한 RFLP 실험 프로그램 개발 및 적용 (현장과학교육)
  • 2023.09.04 : MALAT1-regulated gene expression profiling in lung cancer cell lines (BMC Cancer)
  • 2023.02.15 : Long non-coding RNA in glioma: novel genetic players in temozolomide resistance (Animal Cells and Systems)
  • 2022.11.26 : The Involvement of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Glutamine-Metabolic Reprogramming and Therapeutic Resistance in Cancer (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)
  • 2021.09.24 : Gene Expression Profiling after LINC00472 Overexpression in an NSCLC Cell Line (Cancer Biomarkers)
  • 2021.06.25 : The Roles Played by Long Non-Coding RNAs in Glioma Resistance (International Journal of Molecular Sciences)
  • 2021.06.22 : TPOX 유전자 STR 서열 분석에 관한 분자생물학 실험 프로그램 개발 및 적용 (현장과학교육)
  • 2020.12.31 : ABO식 혈액형 유전자를 활용한 분자생물학 탐구 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 (Brain, Digital, & Learning)
  • 2020.12.21 : The ceRNA network of lncRNA and miRNA in lung cancer (Genomics and Informatics)
  • 2019.12.30 : Long non-coding RNA linc00152 acting as a promising oncogene in cancer progression (Genomics and Informatics)
  • 2019.09.18 : Cellular Stress Responses in Radiotherapy (Cells)
  • 2019.07.12 : TFAP2C increases cell proliferation by downregulating GADD45B and PMAIP1 in non-small cell lung cancer cells (Biological Research)
  • 2019.06.30 : TFAP2C Promotes Cell Proliferation by Upregulating CDC20 and TRIB3 in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells (Journal of Life Science)
  • 2018.12.28 : Roles of Oncogenic Long Non-coding RNAs in Cancer Development (Genomics and Informatics)
  • 2018.09.10 : Targeting the enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism to improve radiotherapy (Cancer and Metastasis Reviews)
  • 2018.05.30 : IR-induced overexpression of transthyretin inhibits retinol-mediated hippocampal neurogenesis (Scientific Reports)
  • 2018.01. : RNF138-mediated ubiquitination of rpS3 is required for resistance of glioblastom (Experimental and Molecular Medicine)
  • 2017.11. : CYP2E1 regulates the development of radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis via ER (American Journal of Physiology-LCMP)
  • 2017.10. : Surfactant Protein B Suppresses Lung Cancer Progression by Inhibiting Arachidoni (Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry)
  • 2017.10. : Circadian Clock Genes, PER1 and PER2, as Tumor Suppressors (Journal of Life Science)
  • 2017.08. : TRAF4 promotes lung cancer aggressiveness by modulating tumor microenvironment i (Scientific Reports)
  • 2017.08. : Surface chemistry modification in ITO films induced by Sn2+ ionic state variatio (Current Applied Physics)
  • 2017.06. : Effects of traditional oriental medicines as anti-cytotoxic agents in radiothera (Oncology Letters)
  • 2017.03. : TFAP2C promotes lung tumorigenesis and aggressiveness through miR-183- and miR-3 (Oncogene)
  • 2017.01. : The role of tumor microenvironment in therapeutic resistance (Oncotarget)
  • 2016.11. : Preparation, characterization, and in-vitro performance of novel injectable sila (Current Applied Physics)
  • 2016.11. : TFAP2C-mediated TGFBR1 overexpression promotes lung tumorigenesis and epithelial (Experimental and Molecular Medicine)
  • 2016.04. : Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 enhances radioresistance and aggressiveness of (Oncotarget)
  • 2016.02. : DANGER Is Involved in High Glucose-Induced Radioresistance through Inhibiting DA (Oncotarget)
  • 2016.02. : Inhibitory effect of traditional oriental medicine-derived monoamine oxidase B i (Scientific Reports)
  • 2015.11. : Dissociation of MIF-rpS3 Complex and Sequential NF-κB Activation Is Involved in (Journal of Cellular Biochemistry)
  • 2015.09. : Inflammation-induced radioresistance is mediated by ROS-dependent inactivation o (Apoptosis)
  • 2015.08. : Inhibition of hedgehog signalling attenuates UVB-induced skin photoageing (Experimental Dermatology)
  • 2014.10. : PAK1 tyrosine phosphorylation is required to induce epithelial-mesenchymal trans (Cancer Research)
  • 2013.12. : Network-based approaches for anticancer therapy (International Journal of Oncology)
  • 2013.09. : Rhamnetin and cirsiliol induce radiosensitization and inhibition of epithelial-m (Journal of Biological Chemistry)
  • 2013.04. : PIM1 kinase inhibitors induce radiosensitization in non-small cell lung cancer c (Pharmacological Research)
  • 2012.11. : Model Systems in Radiation Biology; Implication for Preclinical Study of Radioth (Journal of Life Science)
  • 2011.11. : PIM1-activated PRAS40 Regulates Radioresistance in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Ce (Radiation Research)
  • 2011.09. : Psoralidin, a Dual Inhibitor of COX-2 and 5-LOX, Regulates Ionizing Radiation (I (Biochemical Pharmacology)
  • 2011.09. : Gene Engineering, Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffractio (Protein Expression and Purification)
  • 2011.06. : Phenylpropanoids in Radioregulation: Double Edged Sword (Experimental and Molecular Medicine)
  • 2010.05. : Myricetin Inhibits Akt Survival Signaling and Induces Bad-mediated Apoptosis in (Journal of Radiation Research)
  • 2009.08. : High Yield Bacterial Expression and Purification of Active Cytochrome P450 p-cou (Journal of Life Science)