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김지민 교수 이미지
김지민 교수
  • 전공
  • 연락처 043-230-3689
  • 이메일 jmkim@knue.ac.kr


  • 2018.03. ~ 현재 : 한국교원대학교 기술교육과 , 조교수
  • 2018.02. ~ 2018.02. : 인천대학교 화공혁신연구소 , 학술연구교수
  • 2017.08. ~ 2017.08. : 포항공과대학교 첨단원자력공학부 , 박사후연구원


  • 2016.02. : 포항공과대학교 기계공학과 , 박사 (대한민국)
  • 2011.02. : 포항공과대학교 기계공학과 , 학사 (대한민국)


  • 비등열전달 : 발전소 효율 및 안전성 향상
  • 3차원 그래핀 : 3차원 그래핀 형성 및 에너지 저장 소재 활용


  • 2018.05. : (제1저자) Effect of porous graphene networks and micropillar arrays on boiling heat (Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science)
  • 2018.02. : (제1저자) Toluene and acetaldehyde removal from air onto graphene-base adsorbents w (Journal of Hazardous Materials)
  • 2018.01. : (공동) Effect of aluminum oxide and reduced graphene oxide mixture on critical hea (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2018.01. : (제1저자) Hydrodynamics of nucleate boiling on downward surface with various orient (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2017.05. : (제1저자) Orientation Effects on Bubble Dynamics and Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Tra (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2017.04. : (제1저자) Nanocapillarity in graphene oxide laminate and its effect on critical hea (Journal of Heat Transfer)
  • 2016.10. : (제1저자) Nucleate boiling in graphene oxide colloids: morphological change and cri (International Journal of Multiphase Flow)
  • 2016.04. : (공동) Boiling characteristics on a serpentine-like geometry thin-film platinum he (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2015.01. : (공동) Tunable, self-assembled 3D reduced graphene oxide structures fabricated via (Carbon)
  • 2015.01. : (공동) Boiling characteristics on the reduced graphene oxide films (Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science)
  • 2014.11. : (제1저자) Experimental study of transient boiling characteristics on three dimensio (Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science)
  • 2014.11. : (공동) Pool Boiling Experiments in Reduced Graphene Oxide Colloids Part II - Behav (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2014.10. : (제1저자) Effect of a graphene oxide coating layer on critical heat flux enhancemen (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2014.09. : (공동) Enhanced heat transfer is dependent on thickness of graphene films: an impo (Scientific Reports)
  • 2014.07. : (공동) Pool Boiling Experiments in Reduced Graphene Oxide Colloids Part I - Boilin (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2013.11. : (공동) Controllable pore size of three dimensional self-assembled foam-like graphe (Carbon)
  • 2013.06. : (제1저자) A novel role of three dimensional graphene foam to prevent heater failure (Scientific Reports)
  • 2013.05. : (공동) Experimental study of the effect of a reduced graphene oxide coating on cri (International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer)
  • 2013.03. : (공동) Self-assembled foam-like graphene networks formed through nucleate boiling (Scientific Reports)
  • 2013.02. : (공동) Experimental study of siphon breaking phenomenon in the real-scaled researc (Nuclear Engineering and Design)
  • 2012.10. : (공동) The effect of water absorption on critical heat flux enhancement during poo (Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science)